How to repair an asphalt driveway
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Asphalt driveways are durable, but they will begin to crack over time and need repair. You can handle the cracks yourself with the proper knowledge and tools. Let’s look at what you must do when your asphalt driveway starts to crack or break apart. 

The Tools You Need

To start with, repairing asphalt does require specific tools if you want to do it right. The cracks’ size and depth may necessitate more specialized tools. The list isn’t too extensive for basic repairs, but for more substantial repairs or pothole repairs, the list is more extensive:

  • Shovel
  • Broom or Shop Vac
  • Tamper 
  • Caulking Gun
  • Putty Knife or Scraper

These tools will be sufficient for small, shallow cracks. You’ll need more specialized equipment if the cracks are larger or have turned into a pothole:

  • Weeding Tool
  • Wet Saw
  • Shovel
  • Tamper
  • Paver

Some attachments will make your job easier. For instance, the wet saw should have a diamond bit for the best results. A mechanical tamper will speed up your work. Mechanical pavers are also superb and come in various sizes. 

Environmental Factors

One thing to keep in mind is how asphalt reacts to temperature. You want to perform the repair when it is over 60 degrees outside. If the weather is cold, keeping the asphalt at a proper temperature can be difficult. This only applies to large jobs, as small cracks can be filled without hot mix asphalt. 

Driveway Repair Process

The following steps will help you repair a pothole in your driveway. For more minor cracks, you can use a caulking gun to apply asphalt sealer or use cold-mix asphalt. These are easier to use, but the repairs they make won’t last a long time:

  1. Dig out the pothole to remove any excess debris that is in the hole. You want to get down to the subsoil that was laid under the asphalt. 
  2. Here, you’ll use the paver to fill the hole with asphalt. Don’t just pile asphalt in the hole. Make sure to get out the tamper and use it every two to four inches. 
  3. The tamper will compact it down until you are within a couple of inches of the final grade. 
  4. Use the wet saw to cut out around the hole. The diamond blade will make this easy and smooth. You should be left with a cleaner, smoother surface around the hole. 
  5. Once the cutting is over, make sure to clean the area. You will want to remove any debris that is left behind, as well as any excess rock or dirt. 
  6. Stone and asphalt binder can be used now and filled in around the hole. You will also want to cover the fresh asphalt with it so that the driveway is smooth and on grade. 
  7. Keep compacting the asphalt while adding more until the edges come together. Once the patch is completely full, you are finished. The entire process can take between 2 or 3 hours, depending on the size of the hole and your equipment. 
  8. Let it cure before you apply any rotational pressure on it. This means don’t turn your car tires on the patch for at least a few weeks. 
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Your Driveway

Now that you know how to repair an asphalt driveway, you can see that it requires some knowledge and specialized equipment. The work isn’t difficult if you’re used to working outside with various tools. If you aren’t, it can be a frustrating experience. 

You don’t have to repair the asphalt by yourself. CPEX can repair any cracks or potholes in your driveway. We have all the knowledge and equipment we need, plus we have a lot of experience. The process won’t take us long, and your driveway will be back up and working great. 

If you want to schedule an appointment or set up a consultation, all you need to do is to contact us